by DOGMA (Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara) – The following proposes an idea of the city based on architecture. It is a well-known fact that the modern city is characterised by a great divergence between the scale of architectural form and the urban dimension […]

Drawing is the prism through which Pancho understands and creates his worlds. It is the medium through which everything he makes, begins. The prism is the engine of his imagination where the alchemy takes place, releasing images by transforming ideas and hunches into thoughts with some fixity of form and definite presence. […]
by Pedro Guedes

It could be argued that the mythology of (lone white male) authorship is particularly strong in Australian architecture, where it is amplified – from the outside, at least – by a kind of frontier exoticism, and a ‘regionalist’ fetishisation of site, climate, and place. A key illustration of this is the award of the 2002 Pritzker Prize to Murcutt […]
by Naomi Stead